At the start of the year I decided that this year I’d like to complete more games. I’d been getting lazy in regards to finishing games and getting Gamerscore. With that in mind I set myself the task of finishing 100 games across the whole year. The rules are pretty simple. Generally, the game will…
Category: Gaming
1 Like = 1 Video Game Answer
Again, boredom has struck and so I thought I’d do this. Realistically, I could have finished off the previous post like this that I started, but fuck that. Let’s do this. It’s a bit different at least! 1. Very First Video Game. The first gaming thing I think we owned was the Grandstand video game…
Gaming Goals.
I came into this post with a plan. I had a great joke. I then forgot that joke and decided to start the post anyway with fuck all to say. In many ways, this is probably my most focused opening to a post ever. Actually, no, that was that one where I posted a picture…
Gaming Funk.
If you’re imagining Nile Rodgers shredding the theme to Zelda, you’re wrong. Not that sort of gaming funk. Although, having now put that image into my own head, how fucking cool would that be! No, what I’m on about is the fact I’m finding it hard to play anything. Not because it’s difficult, I just…
Gaming: An Update.
Thought I’d have a quick rundown of the games I’ve finished this year. By finished, I literally mean I finished the story mode. I haven’t done all the achievements on all of these games. Some of them are stupidly hard. Tacoma Rememoried Paladin ABZU (Twice!) Your Toy Dying: Reborn Don’t Knock Twice Decay – The…
Zelda, cocksuckers.
Just a quicky. This is by far the best Zelda video I’ve seen put out so far. It’s incredible.
The Future. Or not.
What’s the future of the site now you’ve stopped the only regular feature? Mediocrity. That’s what! So, what’s new, Chris? The Nintendo Switch, mainly. Been playing plenty of Zelda, as that’s pretty much the only game available for it. Well, the only game that’s reasonably priced. I want Bomberman but I refuse to pay £50…
Life Goals. A Conclusion.
The target, 400,000 Gamerscore. When to be done by, end of March. It was a pretty big goal when I set it, but I was fairly certain I could hit it. I figured that the 22,669 I needed, split over the 90 days I had was doable. It was only 252 points a day. Easy,…
Life Goals. Update.
So, I started the year on… 377,331 and my target was to hit 400,000 by the end of March. Thought I’d do a quick update to say that I’ve abandoned that goal. I’m now going to try and do it by the end of January! In the first 16 days of the year, I managed…
Life Goals.
So, being the avid Gamerscore-Whore that I am, I’ve set my sights on hitting 400k as soon as I can. To keep it in check I’ve given myself the timeframe of the end of March. Which means, since I’m currently sat on 377,331, I need 22,669 in 3 months. Not overly easy. For comparison, my…
Church Of RNGesus.
With Rise of Iron only 37 days away, I’ve decided now is the best time to start trying to increase my favour with everyone’s favourite overlord, RNGesus. Now, 2 things you should know about RNGesus. 1) He hates you. 2) He really hates you. For those of you who are thinking “What the fuck are…