Gaming Funk.


If you’re imagining Nile Rodgers shredding the theme to Zelda, you’re wrong. Not that sort of gaming funk. Although, having now put that image into my own head, how fucking cool would that be!

No, what I’m on about is the fact I’m finding it hard to play anything. Not because it’s difficult, I just can’t decide what to play whenever I actually get chance to play. I um and ahh about it and then before you know it, my chance is gone and I’ve not played anything. This problem is two fold for me. 1) Playing games is what I do. lol. And 2) If I’m going to hit 500,000 Gamerscore this year I need to get a shifty on.

I did just buy Battlefront II as it was in the sale, so maybe that will help. I just don’t know!

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