First of all, TL:DR – They were shit. So, Creed. I’m aware I’ve gone with a picture from the new film, but 1) I’d rather look at that, 2) It’s not easy to find other Creed pictures right now. (Yes I know it’s easy, it’s a fucking joke. Don’t @ me.) Why did we hate…
Category: General Blogginess
I Just Don’t Know.
Literally. I don’t know what to do. Help.
Checklist: Organised Chris!
Right, I’m way behind on stuff. I know this, you don’t need to tell me. I thought it would be a good idea to write stuff down so that I had a list to refer to of stuff I need to do and then come back and cross it off when I’m done! That way…
*slides into the room on the back of the door he just kicked in.* So, I’ve realised recently that I value a structure and routine to my life more than I ever thought. I believe what has made me realise this is the amount of upheaval I’ve recently had to my day to day life….
I know, right. It just came to me. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON, CRISPS?! Went to buy some today on my way to work and Jesus Tittyfucking Arsecracking Elbowbending Christ. All I wanted was just a normal, standard sized, packet of crisps. Instead, I found the following. 1. Popcorn. POPCORN IS NOT CRISPS! I…
As I’m going to change my XBox profile, I wanted to preserve it here so I don’t lose it. Since I didn’t want to write about myself, I asked someone else to do the honours. “What good can you say about Christopher? Not too much. He is a little sarcastic English bastard, with a sense…
What’chu Talkin’ ’bout, Medcalf?!
Little bit of Different Strokes for you there. So, I’ve moved in. In the process of doing so I’ve managed to lose several things. Well, they aren’t lost, I just haven’t unpacked them yet and I’m honestly not sure what fucking box they’re in. Until the living room is finished being decorated I can’t unpack…
Pack Up All My Cares And Woes.
Thought it would be a good idea to do an update since I’m largely unavailable at all times at the moment. As many of you will know, I’m in the throws of moving house. I’ve got all of the upstairs decorated now, and all my bedroom furniture is in place. I still need to move…
The 1000 Club.
As I mentioned… erm… at some point recently? Was it last night? Weirdly that seems like ages ago. As I mentioned, apparently last night, I was going to look over the music charts from the last three years and work out the songs I’ve listened to the most. I’ve decided to only list the songs…
A new post already. Chris must be bored. Bored enough to write in third person even. Actually, I’m not that bored, see, back in first person. Stuff arrived today, which is good. Firstly, Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #300 – #302. Also, in the same package, was 4 issues of Spider-Gwen to fill out the…
Pam Love.
No, Pam isn’t playing tennis and failed to get any points… ha… ha… ha. I just thought I’d make a point out of the fact that the previous post had some Pam love in the form of the ‘featured image’. Bit of blog jargon for you there. Although, it’s not really jargon, since it’s super…
Tiny Keybs.
Right then, here goes. I’m going to attempt writing a blog post using a tiny keyboard for an iPad Mini. Genuinely it’s about the size of my hand. Wait though, I want a shower. Time has passed and I’m now showered. Also I’m a little drunk. I didn’t drink in the shower. That would be…