Regulation Waffle.

So I said in a post re.. Why am I bold? So I said in a post recently that I’d repost my wafflings about Regulate. So here’s the song and the waffle. I lifted it straight from the other post, so there may be references to other stuff. I could just read it but I…

Get Fresh!

It’s almost the weekend after all. Having more focus didn’t last long, did it. Straight in with some fine 80s referencing, yet once again I’ve started a post without knowing what to write about. Again, no idea why I do this. I think it maybe comes down to the fact that I add to this…


In an effort to have more focused starts to my posts, I thought it best to come in with a clear topic! SPACE! I figure this’ll make my posts more… fluent. Having said that, what do I even mean by ‘space’. I mean, my initial reaction to the word space is that I currently don’t…


I’m fine now. All I need is some tunes and a lay on the floor and I’m good to go! Also heat pads for my back and some Pop Tarts. OMFG I HAVE SOME IN MY BAG! I don’t know why I forget that so often. I maybe suffer from that rare Pop Tart Blindness….


I don’t feel like me. I haven’t for a good few weeks now. I’m not very happy and I don’t know what it is. Here’s a song.


I had this thought a while ago, but only today did I think about writing it down. Don’t worry, it won’t take long. It’s to do with covers of songs. More specifically it’s to do with how we judge them. We’ve been doing it wrong. Couldn’t help but sound like Teen Vogue or Buzzfeed for…


Think the below covers what this is about. Ignore me. Another post will be along shortly. My posts are very much like buses. You don’t get any for ages, and then all of a sudden one comes along covered in piss. That’s the saying, right?

Happy New Year.

Happy new year! The best thing to do right now is to start the year as you mean to go on. With that in mind, I’ve already started drinking, I’ve racked up a thousand Gamerscore and I’m listening to some cool tunes. I was going to post this song a while back but it didn’t…

I Fon’t Ducking Know.

Hilarious. Anyway. I feel like saying fuck everything. I feel really worn out and at the end of my rope. I’ve reached the end of my tether. I have used up all my raccoons. I have opened my last packet of biscuits. I have torn all my corn and feel forlorn. I’m just making up…

Dexter. Viral.

So I put up a picture of Dexter sitting on some eggs, about a month ago, and it went oddly viral. Below is my original post. Below that is a gallery of all the places it’s popped up. Mostly by people that have just stolen the image. There are more than this out there, I…

2017 Top 40, Part 1.

40: Olly Murs – Dear Darlin’. (134 Plays, New Entry) Not even started writing about the first song in the chart yet and I’m already pissed off because my keyboard doesn’t fucking work. This year’s chart may seem slightly more bitter than usual, ha! So, Olly Murs is kicking us off this year, apparently. A…

John Oliver Dump.

Thought I’d throw a load of John Oliver stuff up here. He’s the best!