Chris’ International Day of Music. 7.

Thought I’d start my own international holiday. I can’t guarantee other people will observe it as a) International, or b) a holiday, but nevertheless I’m making the effort. You’re not getting an extra day off work, so don’t get too excited. Enjoy the songs!


Finland! Helsinki to be precise. HIM, or His Infernal Majesty as they are in long form, fronted by the silver-tongued Ville Valo, were a fave of my former housemate, Fresh Chris. That’s how I got into them. 2 songs have always stuck with me of theirs, so I present them both to you know. An original song, The Sacrament, and their cover of Wicked Game.

Band: HIM.
Song: The Sacrament / Wicked Game.
Location: Helsinki, Finland.

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