Lanterns On The Lake – Through The Cellar Door. (723 Plays, New Entry.)
This is the song I was on about when talking about Youth by Daughter. This has that same quality to it. The fast drumming and heavier sections. A great little tune, and yet another from my “THAT mood” playlist. I first heard it when playing Life Is Strange: Before The Storm. I love finding songs in unexpected places.
Szjerdene – Find Me. (842Plays, New Entry.)
Another song from a game I played this year! Tacoma this time. Great little game, much better song! Used for the trailer to great effect. I love the slow nature of it and its minimalist sound. It’s really something special. I’ve not really listened to anything else by Szjerdene so I don’t know if this one is completely normal for them or completely out of character. I shall endeavour to listen to more of them though, based on how much I liked this one.
Billy Joel – The Longest Time. (845 Plays, New Entry.)
The second song from An Innocent Man. The Longest Time is such a great track. I’ve already talked about how good that album is, and how many great songs are on there so we don’t need to cover that again! As with all his songs, it’s very well constructed with a strong command of the arrangement and music.
Cars – Drive. (901 Plays, New Entry.)
Listened to this on repeat for a few days this year. I got completely lost in it for a while there. Such a good tune. I find it very visual for some reason, despite the fact I’d never watched the music video until finding it for this!
Timecop1983 – Lovers Feat. Seawaves. (914 Plays)
The best song of the last 10 years. I really mean that. It’s got it all this and it’s very on brand with what I love. It was in the chart last year, so again, I don’t have much to add here.
Childish Gambino – Redbone. (919 Plays, New Entry.)
Amazing song. I strongly believe he’s our new Prince. Can’t wait for more new stuff. He’s gonna be around a long time I hope!
Taylor Dayne – Tell It To My Heart. (967 Plays)
Lord Huron – The Night We Met. (1003 Plays, New Entry.)
Right, the top 3, I THINK all came from watching 13 Reasons Why this year, which I thought was really good. I know there is some controversy around it glamourising suicide and stuff, but as a TV show it was excellent. This is probably the “main” song from the show. It was very well used and I’m glad that they have other great songs to go with it! WAIT! No, the next song, number 2 did NOT come from 13 Reasons Why…
Michael Kiwanuka – Cold Little Heart. (1025 Plays, New Entry.)
It was a song I’d already been listening to, but then as with so many songs, they pop up in stuff. This popped up in an episode of Elementary! That’s where I had heard it. I knew it had been in some show I’d watched! My brain got there in the end. What a fucking tune. I’ve not gone with the video as that’s the 6m odd cut of the song and I wanted to include the entire 10 minute epic. It’s so well constructed, the way it builds and then almost changes into a completely seperate song. The rest of the album, “Love & Hate” is also very good! Worth taking a look at!
Before we move onto number 1, there’s a couple of things worth mentioning! Firstly, the complete lack of last years number 1 song! Shock horror. It was high up the list but not high enough to make the top 40. That song obviously being Tessellate by Alt-J! Also missing from the chart this year are Weezer, who’ve been in, I think, every chart to date! That’s a shame. Again, high up, but not inside the top 40. I think Say It Ain’t So was around 50. I’ll tell you what else came close to the top 40 this year… Crocket’s Theme from Miami Vice by Jan Hammer. :D. Right, on to number 1!
Dean Lewis – Waves. (1089 Plays, New Entry.)
It comes and goes, yo.